Photo of a document with a graph in it

Market Review for July 2022

TOPIX ended up on the previous month-end following the success of the Liberal Democratic Party at the recent upper house election and expectations for a slowdown of US interest rate rises.
Photo of people in an office

Market Review for June 2022

TOPIX ended down on the previous month-end as market sentiment declined over global recession fears and tighter monetary policies.
A photograph of busy people crossing the street

Market Review for May 2022

TOPIX ended slightly up on the previous month end, recovering on the news of lockdown measures easing in Shanghai and US CPI figures hinting at a slowdown of inflation.
Pedestrians crossing a busy junction

Market Review for April 2022

TOPIX ended down on the previous month-end. The decline of the US equity market due to the Fed's monetary tightening and disappointing quarterly earnings by some IT companies affected the Japanese equity market. Lockdowns in Shanghai also weighed on market sentiment.
People looking at graph stock

Market Review for March 2022

TOPIX ended up on the previous month-end. The Japanese equity market started on a low due to the news of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and increasing commodity prices, but recovered on yen depreciation against the dollar and a pause of rising oil prices.
People looking at graph stock

Market Review for February 2022

TOPIX ended slightly down on the previous month-end. The Japanese equity market declined on growing concerns over geopolitical risks around eastern Europe.
Photo of charts on a screen

Market Review for January 2022

TOPIX ended down on the previous month-end. The Japanese equity market declined along with the US equity market due to growing expectations of higher US interest rates. Concerns over the increase in domestic cases of COVID and geopolitical risks over Ukraine also weighed on the market.

People having a meeting in an office

Market Review for December 2021

TOPIX ended up on the previous month-end. The Japanese equity market rose as excessive concerns over a new Covid-19 variant, Omicron, receded although it saw temporary declines due to news of monetary policy meetings at the FRB, ECB and Bank of Japan.

Skyline of Tokyo at night

Market Review for November 2021

TOPIX ended down on the previous month-end. The Japanese equity market plummeted in the latter of the month due to the news of the emergence of a new variant virus called Omicron, although the market was in an upward trend backed by solid quarterly corporate earnings.