Person pointing at a screen showing graphs

Market Review for July 2021

TOPIX ended down on the previous month-end. Concerns over an increase of COVID 19 variant cases capped the upside of the Japanese equity market throughout the month. Whilst a rise in US equity market and a solid Japanese economic statistics supported the market, the announcement of the fourth state of emergency in major cities in Japan following the spread of COVID 19 due to the variant, shaved investors’ sentiment and fuelled uncertainty over the outlook for the recovery of economic activities.

Skyline of Tokyo at night

Foresight in Japanese Politics

With the House of Representatives general election scheduled after the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, uncertainty looms over the politics. The future of the Suga administration hangs on the success of the Olympic Games, and the successful roll out of vaccinations while keeping the number of infected in check.
Person pointing at a screen showing graphs

Market Review for June 2021

TOPIX ended up on the previous month-end. The Japanese equity market was driven by the US equity market throughout the month. At the beginning of the month, the market rose on the good progress of the vaccination program in Japan. The market plunged after an earlier than expected tapering was hinted at by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) followed by a sharp fall in the US equity market. However, the market gradually offset the fall as US interest rate stopped rising towards the month-end.

Photo of people in an office

Japan's Governance Code Revision

In June, a revised Corporate Governance Code was released. The Code was revised taking the reform of the Japanese stock market into consideration. It will go into effect in April next year, with the top-tier listings going into the Prime Market corresponding to the current First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange(TSE).
People having a meeting in an office

Market Review for May 2021

TOPIX ended up on the previous month-end. The market was supported by a pause in the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Japan and expectations for the progress of vaccination program whilst the market was temporarily impacted by a plunge of US IT stocks following a hike in US treasury rate in mid-month. The state of emergency in Japan which was extended by another month to mid-June but it did not affect the market.

Origami Planes

Vaccination and the Japanese Economy

Japan has seen the biggest delay in the roll out of vaccines among the major nations of the world. The government is currently taking various measures to accelerate vaccinations due to a sense of crisis, and it is expected that the vaccine will spread to the general public by the latter half of the year.
Person pointing at a screen showing graphs

Market Review for April 2021

TOPIX ended down on the previous month-end. The third announcement of the state of emergency in Japan due to resurgence of COVID-19 cases weighed the market. The COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Japan has been slow compared with other developed countries due to supply shortage and delays, which depressed the market.

People looking at graph stock

Are Japanese Equities in a Bubble?

Some market participants believe that Japanese stocks are in a bubble. However, compared to the bubble period of the late-1980s to 1990, I believe the situation today is very different. By comparing the current market with that of the bubble period (late-1980s to 1990) from multiple perspectives, I would like to forecast the future of Japanese stocks.
People having a meeting in an office

Market Review for March 2021

TOPIX ended up 4.80% on the previous month-end. The expectations for global COVID-19 vaccinations and US additional economic stimulus underpinned the Japanese equity market although concerns over the hike in US interest rates still remained. The Bank of Japan decided at a monetary policy meeting that they would exclude Nikkei 225 ETF from their ETF buying list, which impacted the Nikkei 225 index.