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Contacting us about this Website
If you have any queries concerning this website or the Information contained on this website, please contact Sumitomo Mitsui Trust International Limited on 020 7562 8400. Calls may be monitored or recorded to maintain and improve our services.
Local Terms and Conditions
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Sumitomo Fudosan Onarimon Tower
1-1-1 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 Japan
Notes Concerning Investment Trusts
The term, "investment trusts", used in this website means any fund products regulated under the Law Concerning Investment Trusts and Investment Companies of Japan. No such investment trusts shall be offered or sold to any person in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation would be unlawful under the securities regulation of such jurisdictions.
Investment trusts invest in securities and other instruments such as shares and public corporation bonds whose prices are subject to change (when investments are made in assets denominated in foreign currencies, there are also risks associated with changes in currency exchange rates), and therefore, net asset values are subject to change. Consequently, unlike deposits with financial institutions, investment principals are not guaranteed.
Gains and losses resulting from investment in an investment trust shall be imputed to the customers who purchased the investment trust.
Investment trusts are not subject to deposit insurance.
Unlike amounts guaranteed under deposit insurance, funds received from investment in investment trusts are not guaranteed.
Investment trusts are not insurance and are not subject to the Non-life Insurance Policy-holders Protection Corporation of Japan.
Unlike securities companies, registered financial institutions are not members of the Japan Investor Protection Fund.
When making investments, be sure to read the investment trust prospectus provided to you.
Local website terms and conditions
Company details
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. is a Luxembourg public limited liability company (société anonyme), incorporated under Luxembourg law and listed with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under reference B22765, whose head office is located at 2, Rue Peternelchen, L-2370 Hesperange, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. VAT number is LU12915516.
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. is a Luxembourg credit institution authorised by the Luxembourg Minister of Finances and supervised under reference B0000146 by the Luxembourg financial sector regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), located at 283 route d’Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg (www.cssf.lu).
Investment warnings
Personal data
Complaint Management Procedure
Hong Kong
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust (Hong Kong) Limited., (三井住友信託(香港)有限公司, SMTHK)
25/F, AIA Central, 1 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong
No additional local terms and conditions.
United States of America
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Americas, Inc.
1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, U.S.A.
No additional terms and conditions.
TOPIX ended down on the previous month-end. Concerns over an increase of COVID 19 variant cases capped the upside of the Japanese equity market throughout the month. Whilst a rise in US equity market and a solid Japanese economic statistics supported the market, the announcement of the fourth state of emergency in major cities in Japan following the spread of COVID 19 due to the variant, shaved investors’ sentiment and fuelled uncertainty over the outlook for the recovery of economic activities.
This marketing communication is issued by Sumitomo Mitsui Trust International Limited (“SMTI”). SMTI is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”), whose address is 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom.
This marketing communication has been made available to you only because SMTI has classified you as a professional client in accordance with the FCA’s rules. If you have received this marketing communication from a source other than SMTI, you should contact SMTI before using it or relying on it. You must not send this marketing communication to any other person without first having received written approval from SMTI.
The information contained in this marketing communication (the “Material”) is being made available for information purposes only and is designed to provide information on the investment services which SMTI may offer to clients. Nothing in the Material amounts to or should be construed as an actual offer by SMTI to provide any investment services to any person. If SMTI agrees to provide any investment services to any person, those services will be the subject of a separate written agreement between SMTI and that person. Furthermore, the Material has not been prepared with any consideration of the individual circumstances of any person to whom it is communicated. Accordingly, it is not intended to, and does not, constitute a personnel recommendation in relation to the purchase or sale of, or exercise of any rights in relation to, any financial instruments or advice in relation to any investment policy or strategy to be followed. The Material also does not contain the results of any investment research carried out by SMTI and is not intended to amount to a financial promotion of any particular financial instrument which may be referred to in it.
While SMTI uses all reasonable endeavours to ensure the Material is accurate, it has not been prepared with a view to any person relying on it. Accordingly, SMTI accepts no responsibility for any loss caused to any recipient of this document as a result of any error, inaccuracy or incompleteness in the Material, nor for any error in the transmission or receipt of this communication.
Any enquiries regarding the products should be made to:
Hirofumi Hayashi
Head of Investment Management Department
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust International Limited
155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3XU, United Kingdom
Direct: +44 20 7562 8405
Email: imd@smtil.com
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust International Limited is authorised and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority
© Sumitomo Mitsui Trust International Limited 2024